Antiques valuations to come for unclaimed artefacts?

Hundreds of items from the RAF Millom Museum are to be auctioned off in the new year.

Antiques & Decorative Art

A number of artifacts from the troubled RAF Millom Museum could have antiques valuations before they are put up for auction in the new year, with hundreds at the Bank Head, Haverigg and Devonshire Road, Millom sites yet to be reclaimed.

Speaking to the North-West Evening Mail, Carol Tindal of Dodds Rescue - the firm overseeing the gallery's liquidation - explained that volunteers have been working to locate the owners and create an inventory.

"It will probably be a sale or open day on the site in the new year, it would be a huge operation to try and pick everything up and transport it up to a sale room," she remarked.

Ms Tindal went on to note that it has been a huge undertaking thus far and the hundreds of articles yet to be claimed are predominantly of sentimental value.

Meanwhile, Robert Kennedy's copy of his Emancipation Proclamation with Abraham Lincoln - signed by the latter - recently went under the hammer for over double its antique price guide, fetching $3.8 million (£2.4 million).

Posted by Keith Leicester

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